I've always wondered if there is really any scientific evidence that supports whether or not laughter is good for the body. Does it really have positive effects on us? I wanted to know, so I did some research on it.
Before I give the real answer of whether laughter truly is good for you, I think a better questions is, are YOU laughing enough? Do we leave room in our life for a lighter side? Do we ALLOW ourselves the opportunity to laugh?
Remember the movie Patch Adams? It was a movie about a real life doctor who still practices today and uses laughter as healing. He's quite correct in using laughter as a healing therapy, because it is one of the most healing activities you can engage in.
There are funny things around us that happen every day. I think we can sometimes get so hyper-focused on routine or the tasks at hand, that we forget that comical things do happen. Are you so tense, so uptight that you miss funny things that your kids do? Or the funny things that YOU do?
We have a comedian in our family. It's my youngest. He doesn't even recognize how funny he is which makes what he does even funnier. I love the innocense of childhood, and especially how they see things. For example, we have these CD's that my boys listen to at night when they go to bed. It's called Grandma Ginger Stories. My youngest especially likes them and his facial expressions tell it all. I have listened to Grandma Ginger's CD's and I also love them. The stories she tells ALWAYS have a moral, and they are REAL stories and ones that we can relate too. One story in particular ends with her telling the children that it's OK to ask your parents "why?" and that parents should tell their children a real answer...not just a "because I said so", but an answer that their brain can really wrap around and understand.
The other day, my youngest and I were driving in the car. He was asking me "the why question" about something, and I didn't answer him with the answer he wanted. I think I said "because or I'm not sure". He proceeded to tell me in a VERY matter of fact response, "Well, Grandma Ginger says that kids should ask their parents why and you should tell us!" I bust out laughing and listened closer to what he was asking and gave him the real answer. I had such a good laugh over his innocence and also learned how smart he is.
Another such incidence happened with my youngest again as we were having dinner. We were all talking about school and he proceeded to tell us how smart he was. My husband asked him "What is 2+3?" Without even missing a beat, he says "Oh, that's easy! Scott, will you tell dad what 2+3 is?" We bust out laughing to the point where our guts hurt.
You know the kind of laugh I am talking about? The one that give you a good ab workout. The one that leaves you crying and wanting more! I love those kinds of laughs.
He also likes to make up his own jokes! I think every child tries this at one point in their childhood. I love how their brains are working and they are using problem solving skills to create jokes! Most times, his jokes aren't funny and sometimes he will let us know he is displeased when he says "Hey! How come noone is laughting at my jokes?" That statement alone makes us giggle and then he feels satisfied that he accomplished what he set out to do...and that is to make us laugh.
There was a point in my adult life where it was hard for me to laugh. I'm not sure why, but I remember the day it finally hit me that I didn't laugh enough. I was watching others around me laugh at cute things and was thinking to myself "that was relatively funny, why aren't I laughing?". It helped me explore what was going on in my life that kept me from recognizing situations and experiences that were funny. I realized that I needed to relax more, not be so uptight, and most importantly....to laugh AT MYSELF!!
We all do funny and ridiculous things and it's OK to laugh at ourselves. In fact, the more I laughed at the silly things I did, the result was.....I started to laugh more.
One such experience has happened to me TWICE and was extremely embarassing...probably more for those that had to be the poor witnesses to my "pants on the ground, pants on the ground, looking like a fool with your pants on the ground" experiences! Those of you who watch American Idol know exactly what I am talking about!
Both experiences with my pants on the ground actually came in the form of wearing a skirt. Everyone knows I LOVE wearng skirts and the stretchy waste ones are my favorite. I was at a church activity holding my youngest(when he was a baby) in the back of the cultural hall! I was talking to a gentleman who was also holding his baby. My daughter came up and started tugging on my skirt to ask me something. Obviously, I did not respond in a quick enough manner for her, and there went the HUGE TUG and DOWN WENT MY SKIRT!....TO THE FLOOR in fact! I am sure my face became synonomous with my hair! At that point, I had two choices. Do I drop my baby and pick up my skirt, or do I non-chalantly try to use one hand to hold my baby and the other hand to gracefully try to pull up my skirt? Well, there was no grace involved! I held on to my baby and fumbled to pick up my skirt which was not going up as easy as it went down! Nevertheless, I did it! At this point, I was mordified and I quickly slipped out the door and tried to mentally recover. Now you are probably thinking, "What about the poor gentleman that was standing there?" I am positive that this gentleman who witnessed the whole scene was embarassed and would have probably helped me out, but thought otherwise. How would it look to anyone who happened to glance back at us? Enough said!! Needless to say, I am very proud of myself. I sat outside the door and just laughed. I am sure I was plotting against my daughter as well, but the point is....I LAUGHED!!
Another similar experience happened just about 6 months ago. I again was wearing a stretchy waste skirt and we were at church. I went to check on the nursery age children and squated down to talk with one of them. The heel of my high heels got stuck on my skirt and when I quickly stood up...you guessed it...DOWN WENT MY SKIRT....TO THE FLOOR...AGAIN! This time, there was no baby to worry about dropping, so I quickly (with no grace involved) picked up my skirt and looked around. There were several other women and men in the room, and I just started laughing. It diffused the sitaution tremendously! In fact, WE ALL LAUGHED...and it was the belly laugh that left us all crying and wanting more! I bet you are wondering why I still wear stretchy wasted skirts? Well, my answer is simply this....I don't like tight things on my waste, and even though the odds are stacked against me that my skirt WILL eventually be tugged to the floor once again, I am willing to take that chance!
Now, to decide whether or not laughing truly is good for the body. The answer is a resounding YES!! WebMD reports that "We change physiologically when we laugh. We stretch muscles throughout our face and body, our pulse and blood pressure go up, and we breathe faster, sending more oxygen to our tissues. People who believe in the benefits of laughter say it can be like a mild workout -- and may offer some of the same advantages as a workout. The effects of laughter and exercise are very similar. Combining laughter and movement, like waving your arms, is a great way to boost your heart rate."
One pioneer in laughter research, William Fry, claimed it took ten minutes on a rowing machine for his heart rate to reach the level it would after just one minute of hearty laughter. Laughing also boosts circulation, so at the same time that you're distributing oxygen around your body, you're boosting the circulation of your blood; you're exercising abdominal muscles; you're exercising the muscles of your face; and you're enhancing the flexibility of various joints throughout your body. So it's a bit of physical exercise and healthful body movement as well.
The harder you laugh, the greater this effect. If you can find a way to put yourself into a state of rolling, outrageous laughter, you're going to get a fantastic physical workout from it. In fact, the next day, you may even find your stomach muscles are sore. Have you ever laughed so hard that your stomach hurt and your facial muscles were exhausted? That's some serious exercise, and it's the kind of exercise in which we should all engage on a regular basis."
So, go ahead...LAUGH! Let it all out! Go enjoy a good episode of Candid Camera or America's Funniest Home Videos!! Take time to find the lighter side of life. We all know what stress does to the body. It leads to depression, weight gain, heart attacks, and slew of other illnesses that make life so much less enjoyable. We can't avoid stress, but we can learn to better cope with it and counteract it with a good laugh.
Daily Challenge: Find something today that makes you laugh. Think of a funny experience you have had, get a good laugh from mine, and let out that healthy belly laugh that makes you cry and wanting more and you'll also enjoy the health benefits as well.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Heroes....They aren't just TV Icons in tight red suits...It's YOU and ME!!
When I was growing up, I had a crush on the Greatest American Hero. C'mon, I know there are those of you out that loved this show like I did. Remember the lyrics to the theme song? Believe it or not, I'm walking on air. I never thought I could feel so free-e-e. Flying away on a wing and a prayer. Who could it be? Believe it or not it's just me. I don't really know why I had such a crush on him, but I did; those curly blonde locks and tight super-hero suit. Focus, focus! Oddly enough, he actually reminds me of my husband minus the tight suit, of course. They really do look alike. The show was great! He was always helping others and every episode ended in triumph. The show wasn't on TV for very long, but long enough to have an impact on what I viewed a person capable of doing.
I once tried to fly like my Greatest American Hero. In my mind, I KNEW I could fly. Failure to this attempt was not an option. However, gravity had other plans for me. I wrapped my favorite blanket around me, climbed to the top bunk of my brother's bunk bed and off I jumped convinced that I would make it to the other side of the room and actually FLY! After hitting the ground, having the wind knocked out of me and every part of my body feeling like it was displaced, I decided that wasn't such a great idea! Even though I couldn't fly, I knew I was capable of doing great things.
I love heroes. They exist all around us, and unless you are the Greatest American Hero, they aren't lurking around in red tight suits with curly blonde locks. They are ordinary people like you and me. Do you have a hero? Do you have someone who you think about often and try to pattern your life after them? Do you ever desire to take one of their most fantastic qualities and make it your own by faking it till making it? (except flying...do NOT try this at home!)
What kind of hero are you to someone else? Do you live your life in a way that exemplifies who you REALLY are and what you stand for? The world needs heroes. We all need someone we look to that catapults us to a higher and better YOU!!
Heroes aren't afraid to stand out, to voice what is right, to stretch themselves and be better! Too much today, we find that people have two best friends...justification and procrastination. They are always together, they never part, and where you find one, you will always find the other. Heroes break up that partnership and introduces new ones like accountability and determination or humility and endurance.
I think there is a tendancy to have the "doom and gloom attitude" as the morals and values of society worsen and deteroriate. Some may think that looking for the good in people is a thing of the past. I am here to tell you...IT's NOT!! Looking for the good in others will help us realize and see that everyone has a bit of hero in them.
I like to meet people and focus on their positive qualities; then take something magnificant that I see in them and try to make ME a better person. Sometimes, like a pair of new shoes that have to be broken in, adopting a new quality doesn't feel so great. It feels awkward and uncomfortable. It's easy to want to stay in our own comfort zone, look at others and desire to be better, but continue to live in our comfortable bubbles.
I say it's time to put on the "rose colored glasses", and find the good in all. By putting on the rose colored glasses, we allow ourselves not to see or focus on every fault and every mistake that one makes, but through this rosey shade, we are willing to overlook their follies knowing that it really isn't up to us to judge. It doesn't take away the importance of not lowering our standards, but by doing this, we realize that the world, although at times is scary and dreary, still has so much good to offer. It takes a good person to have a desire to be positive, but it takes an even greater person to put that desire into action. What kind of person are you? Do you think the kind thought "Wow, I sure love this about that person", and never actually speak it outloud or are you the kind of person that actually speaks the thought "WOW, I sure love this about YOU!" making the receiver of your kind compliment feel better about themselves and doing your part to keep positiveness in our world.
You and I are the heroes of the world. If just ONE person TODAY decided to be just a little bit better, than each day we would see more kindness, more service, more acts of charity, and love. Selfishness would decrease and be replaced with self-LESSness! Sadness woudl decrease and be replaced with genuine SMILES! Is there going to be heartache? YES! Are bad things going to happen to innocent and wonderful people? YES!! Life is opposition. Without it, there would be no growth. We have to experience opposites to know the good from the bad. From this understanding, now we can CHOOSE how we are going to live and how we are going to react to each experience that crosses our path. Knowing that everything in this life has it's opposite, what are you going to focus on? What kind of choices are you going to make? What thoughts are you going to think?
What kind of thoughts fill your mind and are there any that need to be be re-evaluated for the positive? If you are a pessimist, you CAN be an optimist! That is a hero quality. If you are negative, you CAN be positive! That is a hero quality. If you are selfish, you CAN share with others your time and talents! That is a hero quality.
Think today why you have the heroes you do. Is it because they make you feel better about yourself? Is it because they bring out your best? If you don't have a hero....become one to someone else by the way you treat them, the morals and values you stand for and are preserving! Heroes really aren't figures of the past; they aren't made up characters that kids see on the front of a ceral box.....It's YOU and ME! You can make a difference in the world today. I love the words to one of my favorite songs: Have I done any good?
Have I done any good in the world today?
Have I helped anyone in need?
Have I cheered up the sad., or made someone feel glad?
If not, I have failed indeed.
Has anyone's burdens been lighter today, because I was willing to share?
Have the sick and the weary been helped on their way?
When they needed my help was I there?
Then wake up, and do something more than dream of your mansions above
Doing good is a pleasure, a joy beyond measure,
A blessing of duty and love.
Just remember being a hero is awesome....it's YOU!!
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