The Jolley Family

The Jolley Family

Monday, February 8, 2010

Friends.......Love Em' and Never Leave Them

I had the most wonderful conversation with a dashing lady this morning.  I have decided that we are kindred spirits and we are just getting introduced to each other later in life!  She is vibrant, lovely, humble and very kind.  It got me to thinking how much friends are such an important part of our lives.

I know for me, my friends are what keep me sane during the insane moments.  You too?  The help us to be reflective, observant, wild and crazy (at times..hehe), uplifting, encouraging....all these wonderful things are what friends help us to be.

I would say, besides our family, friends are probably one of the most cherished commodities.  I would even venture to say that at times, they might even be more cherished than our family...(if you have teenagers, you know exactly what I mean!)

I love the blossoming process of a new friendship.  It takes both people to leave their comfort zone and go out on a limb!  It can be exciting, thrilling and scary all at the same time.  Will this new friend like me?  Will she accept me and all my quirks and faults?  Will she be loyal, yet honest when need be?  All of these thoughts go through my own head as I am in a new and budding friendship.

With each new friendship, we have the opportunity to learn from that person, to emulate and pull from their strong points; to help ourselves be a better person.  It's a two way process and one that if properly nourished will bring joy and satisfaction to both people.

Enjoy your friends!  Tell them how important they are in your life.  Sometimes our friends may not hear kind and positive things enough in their own homes, and as their friend, we may be just that ONE person who makes all the difference.

Daily Challenge:  Meet someone new.  Take a chance, and give a compliment.  You will make their day and bring joy to your own.

Friendsip Quotes:
When it hurts to look back and your scared to look ahead you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.~Maggie Lee

True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in their worth and choice.~ Samuel Johnston

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